Saturday, January 22, 2011


I will admit I am not a huge book reader. Every once in a while I will read a book that is not required in a class.

There have been a few books I have read that have impacted my life.

One of the books I read that influenced me was, "The Pixar Treasures", the book is done in a scrap book design with historical descriptions about Pixar Animation Studios and its founding animators. It shows pictures from all of Pixar's films. This book is inspirational to me because it was not until reading and looking at this book that I realized I wanted to go into the film industry and study animation in college.

The second book I read that influenced me was, Paul Giannetti's "Understanding Movies, 11th Edition". The book was actually my Introduction to Film class text book. This book talks about the many different aspects of a film and understanding those aspects better. This book is inspirational to me because it has given me an even larger appreciation for film, and now after reading the book I have become interested in Directing as well as animation.

The next book that has been influential to me is Coach John Wooden and Jay Carty's "Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success". The book is about Coach Wooden's Pyramid which helped build his basketball dynasty and prepare his players for life without basketball. This book is inspirational to me because besides wanting to study film, I am also interested in becoming a basketball coach, I am a high school varsity basketball coach now, Coach Wooden's book has taught me the many ways to be successful in life and make the most of what you have. I think this book will also help me as a coach understand my players and better bond with them.


  1. Inspiring books. It's great that a "had to read" textbook turned out to be so important.

  2. I remember having to read "Understanding Movies". Great book for people that have an inkling of interest in film.
